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11 Jun, 2016 21:30

Bilderberg 2016: US election and refugees top of agenda at secret invite-only conference (PHOTOS)

Bilderberg 2016: US election and refugees top of agenda at secret invite-only conference (PHOTOS)

Water cannon and other tools of democratic suppression have been deployed by German police in preparation for “violent” protests outside this weekend’s Bilderberg 2016 conference.

It’s one of the most secretive and powerful organizations you’ve probably never heard of,” reported Al Jazeera

The top-secret, four-day meeting launched on Thursday in the German city of Dresden, but only a handful of protesters have turned up to shout at the powerful politicians, corporate CEOs, and media insiders on the invite list.

Conspiracy theory websites like InfoWars believe there could be “violent clashes between leftists and right-wing protesters”, even though their common enemy is the “New World Order” they believe is controlled by Bilderberg attendees. 

Bilderberg was “designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America” and is considered to be one of the most concentrated gatherings of the world elite. 

This year 126 powerful politicians, industry leaders, bankers, and other “guests” are discussing topics like migration, the US presidential election, China, Russia, and “precariat and middle class”, according to the official agenda.

From “war criminals“ like former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to war profiteers like Honeywell CEO (and White House insider) Dave Cote, veterans of the conference include austerity hawks like former European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso and IMF head Christine Lagarde.

It’s also a chance for the former heads of the CIA and MI5 to check in with oil giants Shell and BP.

READ MORE: Bilderberg 2016: World’s top brass meets in Dresden to talk migrants, Brexit and US elections

While Alex Jones’ fantasy of a violent clash with the left will have to wait for another day, the theories about the group’s power over the global economy and national governments in Europe and North America have been continuously denied.

Often cited as “evidence” is Bill Clinton’s attendance at the 1991 conference as a largely unknown governor from the small state of Arkansas a year before he became president of the United States and Tony Blair’s rise from a mere shadow minister attending the 1993 conference to Prime Minister four years later.

Hillary Clinton’s chief adviser Jim Messina stopped by last year, just in time for a gig as head of the Democratic Party super PAC Priorities USA.

More than a dozen attendees this year have close financial ties to both Clintons, but there are a few Republicans in the mix as well.

Senator Lindsey Graham, who does not support his party’s nominee for president, suggested in advance of this year’s conference that “how to beat Trump” would be a main taking point under the “US Political landscape” agenda.

The billionaire candidate will have Peter Thiel in his corner to keep track of what is otherwise expected to be pro-Clinton strategizing.


Of course, who needs conspiracy theories when you have facts.

Zero Hedge compiled this chart to showcase just how much financial and political influence the small group of people has on the rest of the world.

The group has been criticized from both sides of the political spectrum for its secretive nature.

READ MORE: Protesters slam Bilderberg big boss elitist summit for lack of transparency

Bilderberg organizers enforce a strict ‘Chatham House Rule’ in which all attendees are free to use any information they receive from other participants, but are not allowed to disclose the source of that information.

A number of elected officials, including ministers and heads of state, are in Dresden this weekend, although technically not in an official capacity. What they do in the coming weeks, months, or years however, will ripple around the globe.

Stay tuned to RT for our Bilderberg 2016 including live video footage of any clashes with police.
