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23 Nov, 2018 16:48

Europe should abandon US ‘war track’, aim for multipolar world – ex-OSCE Assembly VP

An EU army would not help solve the continent’s security issues and instead may exacerbate the global “war track” created by the US at the end of the Cold War, Willy Wimmer, the former vice-head of the OSCE Assembly, told RT.

Questioning the rationale behind France and Germany’s calls to create a unified European army, Wimmer, who also previously served as the former state secretary to Germany's defense minister, warned that the proposed military structure was not in the interests of European security.

"[An EU army] is not necessary because it does not reflect the real security situation in Europe. The problems we have in Europe are linked to a long NATO strategy to have its troops at the Western-Russian border – this was not in our minds when we ended the Cold War."

NATO, according to Wimmer, was “created as a defense alliance” but its mandate was later “unilaterally” changed by Washington, which transformed the defensive pact into a force of aggression “on a global scale.” As such, “having a European army replace NATO in the same global way is not in our interest,” he argued.

Wimmer stressed that while few would advocate for a complete break between the US and western Europe, Europe must resist becoming a US vassal – “and the US policy pursued the last decade or so was exactly to colonize Europe.”

Instead of mimicking NATO’s model, the former OSCE official urged Europe to pursue a multipolar world based on cooperation and not military might.

"Since spring 1999, when the war against Yugoslavia started, we’ve been on the war track, globally speaking, and it’s been a disaster for all of us. The globe is not fit for a single superpower but it’s ready for a multipolar world. But the multipolar world should be a world of cooperation and not of rivalry."

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