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5 Mar, 2019 13:24

Air India demands crew repeat ‘hail motherland’ at end of EVERY in-flight announcement

Air India demands crew repeat ‘hail motherland’ at end of EVERY in-flight announcement

With a “slight pause” and “much fervor,” Air India crews will now be required to offer glory to the motherland… at the end of every single announcement, which could get awkward if the lavatory goes out of order.

According to Indian broadcaster NDTV, airline officials sent out a “reminder” to all staff to end in-flight announcements with the line “Jai Hind” (translated variously as ‘Hail the motherland’ or ‘Victory to India’) in accordance with the “mood of the nation…”

With immediate effect, all (crew) are required to announce ‘Jai Hind’ at the end of every announcement after a slight pause and much fervour,” wrote Amitabh Singh, director of operations, at the airline.

The decree comes alongside soaring national enthusiasm resulting from the country’s conflict with neighbouring Pakistan.The long term rivals turned to gunning down each other's aircrafts and firing shells across the border after India attempted an attack against terrorist camps in the Pakistan-controlled area of Kashmir earlier this year. While the results of the assault are disputed, the countries have been at daggers drawn ever since.

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Air India, a government owned enterprise, has not been shy of expressing its patriotism as tensions ratchet up between New Delhi and Islamabad.

Much of the rest of Twitter, however, were less impressed with the airline’s enforced mile-high display of patriotic fervor. A number of people noted that ending every single announcement with the phrase might become a bit grating, particularly on longer flights.

Others felt like the airline had a few other problems to work through which might be prioritized if it truly wanted to bring glory to India. They also pondered if passengers would be required to respond in turn.

A number of people also pointed out that such an overt display of patriotism would likely not go over as well on European airlines.

Air India’s mandated expressions of loyalty to the state seems a bit ironic given the company’s announcement the same day that it would be taking harsh disciplinary action against four employees for allegedly “stealing” leftover food from flights.

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