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15 May, 2019 09:58

Bibi’s son bashed Berlin, but is Germany’s sweet talk towards Israel ‘hypocritical’?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son has accused Germany of backing left-wing NGOs that seek the “destruction” of Israel. RT heard different opinions on whether Berlin is right to do so.

Yair Netanyahu, 27, lashed out at Germany on social media over the weekend, asking Berlin to “stop interfering in our internal business and stop funding hundreds of radical left wing NGOs in Israel that seek its destruction.” He was commenting on a tweet by the German Foreign Ministry that said the nation stands “shoulder to shoulder with Israel.” The tweet was meant to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Israel’s admission to the UN.

Berlin’s rhetoric toward Israel is “the most hypocritical show in town,” diplomatic analyst Idan Ronen said, agreeing with Yair Netanyahu. He noted that, despite friendly gestures, German officials rally against the policies pursued by Tel Aviv. He pointed out that Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel refused to back US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Merkel herself has voted at least 16 times in the UN against Israel… She’s also trying to fight Trump’s sanctions over Iran. Germany is trying to undermine Israel’s sovereignty.

Journalist and columnist for Israeli paper Haaretz, Gideon Levy, argued that Germany is right to criticize the Israeli “occupation” of the West Bank because it is “a clear violation of international law.” He believes foreign states should support pro-Palestinian groups “financially, morally.”

It is a duty of the world to stand against [the occupation] and to help those who fight it.

The eldest son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not hold any official post with the government but has been in the public eye due to a number of controversies. A staunch defender of his father’s policies, he was accused of making “racist” anti-Palestinian comments last month, when he suggested that Palestine does not exist because “the letter ‘P’ doesn’t even exist in Arabic.”

Also on rt.com ‘Shame’: Thousands rally against corruption in Israel after Netanyahu son scandal (VIDEO)

In 2018, a tape was leaked of him talking about spending large sums of money at a strip club in Tel Aviv and bragging about a controversial gas pipeline “deal” the PM had made with his friend’s father, a local gas tycoon.

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