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23 Sep, 2011 21:29

Quartet presents plan to avoid US veto on Palestinian bid

The Middle East Quartet has called on the Israelis and Palestinians to meet within the next month to resume stalled peace talks.

This follows Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas' presentation of the Palestinians' bid for statehood at the UN, which is to be discussed by the Security Council on Monday. The UN General Assembly met his presentation with several rounds of applause.After his speech, and the speech delivered by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Quartet, which comprises Russia, the United States, the European Union and the United Nations, issued a statement.The members have put together a plan aimed at bringing the Israelis and Palestinians back to the table. In accordance with this plan, the parties are expected to return to negotiations within one month. Before a three-month deadline passes, they must make progress on significant border and security issues. In six months, this progress must be turned into reality. In 12 months the negotiations should finish.By coming up with this plan, the Middle East Quartet is clearly making an effort to avert a vote in the Security Council that would then cause the US to cast a veto on the UN recognition of Palestinian statehood and full UN membership.
