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25 Sep, 2020 17:32

Revenge of the Niece II. Mary Trump follows book with lawsuit against Uncle Donald, alleging he stole tens of millions from her

Revenge of the Niece II. Mary Trump follows book with lawsuit against Uncle Donald, alleging he stole tens of millions from her

While already facing an unprecedented number of court actions, including over his tax returns and an alleged rape, President Trump now faces allegations that he defrauded his late brother’s daughter of her rightful inheritance.

Mary Trump, President Trump’s estranged and angry niece, is seeking a second pound of flesh from her Uncle Donald in a lawsuit alleging that the president and his siblings defrauded her. It comes on the heels of her best-selling book that pummeled the president harder than any beating Mike Tyson handed out.  

The lawsuit, which was filed on Thursday and which reads like a novel, is the latest in a series of legal wrangles for the president. Impeachment was a biggie. So was a New York court’s decision to force Trump’s “charitable” foundation to dissolve. And he’s got others ahead: New York State prosecutors are trying to get his tax returns to see whether he overstated his assets to obtain loans and whether he understated them to reduce his tax obligations. A civil defamation case over an alleged rape in which the president may have to give up his DNA is pending, while others are looking into Trump’s inauguration funding and the Trump Organization’s real estate deals. 

The list goes on and on – never before has a serving president faced such a large number of investigations. Most people would buckle under the exhausting pressure of this legal onslaught and wave the white flag. How is this guy still standing? 

John Gartner is a psychologist who founded Duty to Warn, a group of mental health professionals who advocate for Trump’s removal from office on the grounds that he is psychologically unfit for office. Clearly no fan, his professional diagnosis from afar is that Trump is a “malignant narcissist.” That’s a disorder with a dangerous mix of narcissism, antisocial behavior and sadism, he says. 

He points as evidence to Trump’s comments made this week that we should “get rid of ballots” to ensure “there won’t be a transfer of power.” Gartner believes that Trump is deadly serious about this and that he is using his office to interfere with the 2020 election.

Trump does not care about the peaceful transition of power,” Gartner told RT yesterday. “If he loses power, he goes to jail. He will burn the country to the ground before he gives up power. He will sacrifice everyone and everything for his own survival.” 

Malignant narcissism is the kind of personality disorder that screws all the people all the time,” added Gartner, a professor for 28 years at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. “He either exploits them or destroys them – all for his own profit or glorification. And when we see a malignant narcissist, it is our duty to warn. Trump will escalate this madness.” 

Duty to Warn, which claims to be nonpartisan, says that Trump’s public image has been shredded – that the false narrative he created about his winning image has been exposed and that he is really a loser who masquerades as a “bully,” to cover for all his “inadequacies.”  

Mary Trump’s lawsuit makes for equally compelling reading, underscoring everything that is in her book, called ‘Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man’. In the book, she writes that her alcoholic father, Fred Trump Jr, died in 1981 when she was a teen and that Donald and his federal judge sister, Maryanne, were supposed to protect her interests. But they instead “stole” from her – and everything that she was entitled to after her grandfather died in 1999. 

‘Fraud was the family business’

The suit paints a colorful picture: “For Donald J. Trump, his sister Maryanne, and their late brother Robert, fraud was not just the family business – it was a way of life. Beginning in the 1980s, these siblings took control of the New York City real estate empire that their father Fred Sr. had built, and exploited it to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone around them. They concocted scheme after scheme to cheat on their taxes, swindle their business partners, and jack up rents on their low-income tenants.

Also on rt.com Tell-all book author Mary Trump SUES president & his siblings, claims she was cheated out of MILLIONS of dollars inheritance

“Rather than protect Mary’s interests, they designed and carried out a complex scheme to siphon funds away from her interests, conceal their grift, and deceive her about the true value of what she had inherited.”

It claims that her uncles and aunt presented Mary, who has inherited minority interests in various Trump businesses, “with a stack of fraudulent valuations and a so-called settlement agreement, and forced her to sign. All told, they fleeced her of tens of millions of dollars or more.”

The suit seeks an unspecified amount of money in damages, as well as punitive damages for their “malicious, wanton, and willful” conduct.

Also on rt.com Trump says ‘seldom seen niece’ Mary Trump ‘violated NDA’ & ‘broke the law’ in 1st comment about her tell-all book

In a statement released the same day, Mary said her uncles and aunt “were supposed to be protecting me as my trustees and fiduciaries. Recently, I learned that rather than protecting me, they instead betrayed me by working together in secret to steal from me, by telling lie after lie about the value of what I had inherited, and by conning me into giving everything away for a fraction of its true value. I am bringing this case to hold them accountable and to recover what is rightfully mine.”

So how will President Trump and his “malignant narcissistic” personality cope with all these allegations?

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany took a dismissive tone to the case, saying that Mary had “discredited” herself by secretly taping conversations she had with her aunt for the book – including one in which the aunt said Donald paid a dude to take his college entrance exam for him. 

Much may hinge on what the American people decide in November’s election. If Trump is still in the White House as and when Mary’s case is due to be heard, he may be able to use the power of his office to delay her – and his – day in court, and the airing of the Trump family’s dirty laundry in public. 

So the real question is, do US voters think that they’ve been screwed worse by ‘Uncle Donald’ in the last four years than Mary ever has been, or do they still want a man like him as their president? I know what I’ll be choosing. 

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