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29 Dec, 2020 11:59

RT’s The Wokies: 2020’s top 10 woke MEDIA moments

RT’s The Wokies: 2020’s top 10 woke MEDIA moments

Navigating the politically correct modern world is often a difficult task. Thankfully, we have a hyper-woke media to tell us what’s right and what’s wrong (but mostly what’s wrong). Here’s their greatest hits of 2020.

Remember when talk-show hosts made us laugh and journalists reported the news? Those days are long gone, and the mainstream media has since embraced a new, nobler role: to scold, scorn and lecture its viewers and readers until they see the error of their outdated, unwoke ways.

Here we honor 10 trailblazing wokescolds who found new and creative ways to talk down to us this year.

10. CNN’s ‘fiery but mostly peaceful’ riots

If it sounds like a riot, looks like a riot, and burns like a riot, is it a riot? Not to CNN, who told its viewers not to trust their lying eyes when rioters set fire to downtown Kenosha, Wisconsin in August.

The city was set alight following the police shooting of African American Jacob Blake, and even as CNN’s cameras broadcast live images of the conflagration, the network accompanied the images with a banner describing the protests as “fiery but mostly peaceful.”

CNN wasn’t the only network to dabble in PR for rioting mobs. Back in May, MSNBC host Ali Velshi described unrest in Minneapolis as “not, generally speaking, unruly,” as protesters behind him gathered in front of a burning building.

Despite the insistence of the media, arson and rioting is still considered “unruly” throughout much of the world.

Also on rt.com 'Fiery but mostly peaceful': CNN mocked for ridiculous caption of Kenosha riots destruction

9. BBC presenter claims GARDENING is racist

If you’ve got an affinity for the outdoors and appreciate the charms of “native” wildflowers, then BBC presenter James Wong has some shocking news for you: you’re racist. 

Wong – a botanist and presenter on Countryfile – unleashed a fiery tirade against the apparent racism of British gardening culture earlier this month. Terms like “heritage” and “native,” when used to describe plant life, show that gardening has “racism baked into its DNA,” he noted.

Wong explained that he was once told by critics that a planting concept he developed “didn’t fit the area,” so therefore, the critics must have been racists. Just don’t tell him about Britain’s problems with “invasive non-native species” or its efforts to eradicate Japanese knotweed. He may never recover.

Also on rt.com BBC presenter claims UK gardening culture is so ‘RACIST’ that ‘racism is baked into its DNA’

8. New York Times melts down over ‘send in the troops’ op-ed

As riots consumed the US’ major cities in June, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton (R) penned an op-ed in the New York Times calling on President Trump to do what many on the right were urging him to: “send in the troops.” Liberals raged, and the Times’ editors scrambled to defend their decision to publish it.

A day later, however, they flipped, calling its publication a mistake, describing the article as not meeting “our standards,” and pledging to reduce the number of op-eds in the paper permanently. Furthermore, the Times’ journalists complained that the article “put them in danger,” while the actual riots happening in the city at the time, presumably, did not.

With the crisis defused, the Times’ editors could go back to advocating for military force in far-away countries and publishing op-eds by less dangerous people, like the Taliban.

Also on rt.com NYT says Cotton’s ‘send in troops’ op-ed ‘did not meet standards’ as it caves to WOKE pressure DAY after defending publication

7. BBC says no to diverse comedy

Amid uncertain and stressful times, laughter is often the best medicine. But if you don’t lean left, or if you voted for Brexit, then you’re the butt of the joke to the BBC. Recent research found that 75 percent of the taxpayer-funded broadcaster’s comedy slots are filled by “anti-Brexit, left-leaning comedians.” 

These conformist comedians won’t just mock your politics. Sometimes, they’ll even mock you. Take Sue Perkins, a regular on the BBC’s panel shows. Perkins thinks that anyone who voted for Brexit are“headbangers, zealots and quislings.”

Way to alienate 52 percent of your audience, Sue! At least the cringe-inducing wokeness of Perkins and her ilk on this list give the rest of us something to laugh at.

Also on rt.com BBC defends comedy show Vicar of Dibley from backlash over 'taking a knee' BLM episode

6. Ellen DeGeneres and the ill-advised ‘superhero nurse’ costume

After a year of clapping for frontline healthcare workers and watching hundreds of insufferable ‘dancing nurse’ TikTok videos, talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres dressed up as a Superman-inspired nurse for Halloween to remind us yet again that nurses are amazing, wonderful, selfless, and better than everyone else.

However, Ellen’s own bedside manner apparently leaves a lot to be desired. Earlier this year she was slammed for alleged behind-the-scenes bullying of her staff, and her penchant for insulting “fat” and “stupid” children. Florence Nightingale she ain’t.

Also on rt.com Celebrities defending Ellen over bullying claims aren’t just out of touch, they're reinforcing a hand-washing corporate culture

5. The BBC also thinks the COUNTRYSIDE is racist

What is it with ‘Countryfile’ presenters and racism? On top of James Wong’s issues with gardening, presenter Ellie Harrison declared in October that, far from a rural idyll, Britain’s countryside is teeming with bigotry and prejudice.

White people, she argued, have dominated Britain’s pastoral lands for too long by their sheer presence, and have driven minorities away with their… gastropubs and hiking trails, or something like that. Whatever the reason, Harrison predicted a “time of reckoning” will soon come for those who dwell there. 

“Even a single racist event means there is work to do,” Harrison pontificated, seemingly unaware that “single racist events” happen in cities too. Despite the revolutionary zeal of her warning, there’s unlikely to be cross burnings in the Cotswolds or lynchings on the Wicken Fen any time soon.

Also on rt.com No, the countryside is NOT racist and to suggest it is does the good people of rural Britain a major disservice

4. Piers Morgan’s love affair with lockdowns

It’s difficult to be despised by all sides of the political spectrum, but ITV’s Piers Morgan manages with aplomb. Morgan is an opponent of Meghan Markle’s “fascist wokery,” but a defender of English footballers taking a knee for ‘Black Lives Matter.’ He’s been the subject of thousands of complaints for alleged racism, yet called Donald Trump “vile” and “repellent” for the tone of his rallies.

At the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, Morgan staked out a position as a staunch supporter of lockdowns, and of stiff penalties for those breaking the rules. Branding those flaunting the restrictions “covidiots,” Morgan was an early advocate of closing pubs and canceling Christmas in an effort to get the virus under control.

Therefore he probably shouldn’t have gotten into a taxi without his mask on this month, nor should he have encouraged his son to take part in a crowded BLM march this summer. Maybe we’re being covidiots here, but it seems just a little hypocritical, no?

Also on rt.com ‘I was a Covidiot’: Piers Morgan apologises after failing to don mask while in public

3. LA Times calls itself racist

Proponents of ‘critical race theory’ insist that there’s a tiny Klansman inside every white person, and demand that whitey pay penance for this original sin. The Los Angeles Times heeded their call this September and laid bare its own shocking, racist past.

Some of the paper’s old views were undeniably controversial – such as its support for the internment of Japanese citizens during World War II. In digging up more recent examples, however, the Times’ editorial board had to get a bit more creative. Its coverage of the 1965 Watts riots won a Pulitzer Prize, but was apparently racist because it was written by a mostly white newsroom. Likewise, the failure of a subsidiary paper aimed at the city’s minority neighborhoods is presented here as an example of the paper’s “deeply rooted… white supremacy,” rather than a business loss.

It even, imagine the horror, endorsed a Republican for governor in 1994. Presumably, staff parties will henceforth be replaced with self-flagellation sessions, conducted under the watchful eyes of Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi.

Also on rt.com Ibram X. Kendi’s ‘anti-racist’ constitutional amendment would lead to racial discrimination on a massive scale

2. Every news outlet trying to make ‘Latinx’ a thing

Spanish is a gendered language, and for the scions of wokeness in academia, that’s “problematic.” The solution they cooked up was to replace “Latino” or “Latina” with “Latinx,” in a bid to include gender-nonconforming Latin Americans.

Always on the lookout for new ways to signal their progressiveness, liberal journalists jumped at the opportunity to make “Latinx” part of their vocabulary. Vox, the Huffington Post, Vice, and the Daily Beast all switched over to the term in recent months, though seemingly, nobody knows how to pronounce it. “Latin-ex” or “Latinks”? “Latin-*clicking sound*?” Who knows. 

Also confounding their efforts to make the term mainstream is the fact that Latin Americans, by and large, don’t care for or about it. According to a Pew Research poll in August, only three percent of Latinos and Latinas use the word. 65 percent of respondents told Pew that the term shouldn’t even be used to describe them.

The liberal press clearly has work to do to correct their latent white supremacy.

Also on rt.com You say ‘taco’, I say ‘tacx’: Years of SJW patronizing failed to force ‘Latinx’ into the lexicon of those it was meant to liberate

1. MSNBC host reminds racist America that it may have voted for Biden, but it didn’t vote for Biden enough

For four years, the mainstream media has portrayed Donald Trump as racism incarnate, the white devil himself whose removal from the White House would usher in eternal peace and harmony. Now that that’s apparently about to happen, some pundits still aren’t satisfied.

After a mysterious pause in counting and bundles of fresh ballots tipped the needle in Biden’s favor in the days following November 3, the liberal media celebrated the former vice president’s impending victory. However, MSNBC host Joy Reid wanted Americans to be ashamed of themselves for only delivering him a squeaker victory, instead of the landslide he deserved.

Biden’s narrow win, she whined, confirmed to her that America has “a great amount of racism, anti-blackness, [and] anti-wokeness.” The fact that the election was so close, she continued, “hurts, it just hurts.” 

To people like Reid, voters evidently should have cast two ballots for Biden. One to elect him, and one to say sorry for being racist. Ironically, video footage purportedly showing multiple ballots for Biden bearing the same signatures being counted has been held up by the Trump campaign as evidence that the election was “rigged” in Biden’s favor.

Also on rt.com RT’s The Wokies: America’s politicians had a busy 2020 virtue-signaling. Here are the top 10

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