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29 Jul, 2021 14:54

Biden’s proposed amnesty for illegal aliens would be a disaster for America. Thank goodness one brave Democrat politician agrees

Biden’s proposed amnesty for illegal aliens would be a disaster for America. Thank goodness one brave Democrat politician agrees

Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema isn’t a racist for opposing amnesty. She’s just doing her job like she’s supposed to, given that the move could tank her state and cause a disaster for Arizona workers.

One of the major agenda points for Democrats since the 2020 election has been a renewed push for amnesty in regards to illegal immigrants. Their most recent effort was attempting to hide it in a $3.5 trillion budget bill that would only require 50 votes to pass, given that Vice-President Kamala Harris would then have the deciding vote. 

Given that the current Senate is split exactly 50-50, all one side needed was to get someone to vote against the party line to either defeat the bill or pass it. It seems that the former has happened, as Arizona senator Kyrsten Sinema has voiced her opposition to it.

New York representative and far-left darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came down hard on her fellow Democrat afterwards. Her statements were downright salacious, as she vaguely accused Senator Sinema of racism. 

“Good luck tanking your own party's investment on childcare, climate action, and infrastructure while presuming you'll survive a 3 vote House margin - especially after choosing to exclude members of color from negotiations and calling that a ‘bipartisan accomplishment.’”

The fact of the matter is that the Arizona senator is not a racist and likely is not going to be swayed by any sort of climate alarmism or acting like she doesn't care about children. Sinema is a realist. Though she's not up for reelection until 2024, the fact of the matter is that she is in what we could call a ‘purple state’ – one which, though currently returning two blue, Democrat senators, often goes Republican red. She was elected under the idea that she would be a moderate voice, and she knows that if she isn't, then Arizona could well end up flipping back into the red zone. 

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Congresswoman Cortez might want to study a map as well, because then she’d realize that Arizona is right on the border with Mexico, and the proposed amnesty would end up enabling cartels and human traffickers, instead of hindering them. Not to mention, it would flood Arizona with a massive amount of low-wage laborers who would take jobs that would usually go to people from Arizona who are already citizens.

As of now, nearly 16 Americans remain jobless, most of whom want full-time, well-paid employment. Another 4.6 million Americans work part-time but want a full-time job. The Congressional budget office has repeatedly found that an amnesty for illegal aliens would be a net fiscal drain for American taxpayers, while driving down US wages. When you take all that into account, you're looking at a policy that would spell absolute disaster for the people of Arizona, especially the poorest. Those are the same people that Sinema wants voting for her in 2024.

There used to be a point in time where people expected their representatives to vote with the best interests of their constituents in mind. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can cry all day and play the race card until she's blue in the face, but what Sinema is doing is protecting her own people. That's what every politician is supposed to do, and if they do that, they will likely get reelected. Despite my opinions of modern-day Democrats, one reliable thing with many of them is that they will vote in a way that preserves their career.

For Kyrsten Sinema, she knows for a fact that amnesty would be a death sentence. Not just for her, but for her voters, too.

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