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7 Apr, 2021 20:30

FULL SHOW: Mexico, Brazil seek Sputnik V vaccine despite US pressure

Thousands of fake Sputnik V vaccines were seized off the Mexican coast, in a small plane bound for Honduras. But now Mexico is set to receive their third batch of the real vaccine today, despite US opposition. This, as President Obrador has declined to take the AstraZeneca vaccine. Down in Brazil, President Bolsanaro had a phone conference with Russian leader Putin, discussing buying more Sputnik V and asking to produce it domestically at Brazilian COVID deaths hit an all time high. Former UK MP George Galloway shares his perspective.

A big time school in the south has been known for its recent college football championships. But historians have discovered Clemson University has a dark history, with ties to slavery, the Civil War and a Vice President who supported it all. RT America’s Faran Fronczak shows us how the University is shining light on these newly unmarked slave gravestones, and how they plan to honor those who helped literally build Clemson from the ground up. 

A double variant of COVID-19 believed to have originated in India has been found in California. This comes as the Gov. Gavin Newsom announces things could get back to “normal” by mid-June. RT America’s Natasha Sweatte has more on nationwide vaccine efforts. 

The US is floating the idea of boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympics in China. However, the message of US officials in the past 24 hours has been a bit confusing. RT America’s Trinity Chavez explains. 
