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25 Oct, 2018 18:59

Can America handle another Clinton? Chelsea hints at a run for office

Can America handle another Clinton? Chelsea hints at a run for office

Seemingly undeterred by her mother’s failure at the ballot box in 2016, or by her father’s scandal-tainted reputation, Chelsea Clinton hinted that she might give politics a shot one day if someone “steps down or retires.”

"I think if someone were to step down or retire and I thought I could do a good job and it matched my talents, I’d have to think if it’s the right choice for me," Clinton told The Journal News on Wednesday.

“If you care about what’s happening in the world, you have to care about running for and holding elected office,” she said, adding that running for office “is something I think about as I hope every young person thinks about it.”

Clinton then expounded her political beliefs, proving that the apple doesn’t fall far from the proverbial tree.

“It’s at the national level where I disagree deeply with President Trump on, l think, everything practically,” she said.

Clinton’s announcement comes as the Democratic party moves to the left, catering to younger, progressive voters, and trying to rid itself of the cynical, focus-grouped centrism of her mother, Hillary Clinton. Mama Clinton seemingly hasn’t recognized this shift herself and has hung around after her 2016 election loss to President Trump, indulging in pricy speaking gigs, and blaming anyone and everyone for the loss, except herself.

Clinton’s lingering has turned the family brand from one inseparable from Democrat politics to one Democrats would rather separate entirely from. This attitude was summed up last week by New York Times editor Michelle Cottle, who called Madam Clinton “politically radioactive,” and Politico Magazine, which pondered “How do you solve a problem like Hillary?”

If her mother’s name is now pronounced in the black tongue of Mordor, could Clinton Jr. then bank on her father’s prestige? Fat chance. Bill has been on the receiving end of sexual misconduct allegations, some of them serious, for as long as Chelsea could walk, and Hillary’s continued defense of her philandering husband has kept the name ‘Bill Clinton’ synonymous with indecency in the American consciousness.

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What’s more, the youngest Clinton appears to have picked up her parents’ taste for all things corrupt. Emails released by WikiLeaks in 2016 allege that Chelsea Clinton lived large off the profits of her parents’ Clinton Foundation for a decade, and used the charity’s funds to finance her wedding to investor Marc Mezvinsky in 2010. All while the foundation was supposed to be rebuilding Haiti.

Twitter seemed to agree that another Clinton is the last thing America needs right now:

Either way, A political run for Chelsea Clinton is still pure speculation. In the meantime though, Chelsea regularly speaks on women’s rights, and has written several children’s books tackling climate change, bullying and feminism.

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