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29 Jul, 2019 13:37

Trump blasts Baltimore crimes stats, says Reverend Al might ‘show up to complain & protest’

Trump blasts Baltimore crimes stats, says Reverend Al might ‘show up to complain & protest’

US President Donald Trump has ripped into Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings on Twitter once again, saying Baltimore has the “worst” crime statistics in the country and Reverend Al Sharpton might “show up to complain & protest.”

In the Monday morning tweet, Trump lambasted Cummings for “25 years of all talk, no action!” and said he was “so tired” of listening to the “same old Bull (sic).”

“Next, Reverend Al will show up to complain & protest. Nothing will get done for the people in need. Sad!” he continued, referencing the civil rights activist and Democrat Al Sharpton. In an earlier tweet, Trump claimed Sharpton “Hates Whites & Cops!”

In another tweet, Trump said that if Democrats tried to defend “King Elijah’s Baltimore Fail” it would be a “long road to 2020.”

Trump’s ongoing tirade against Cummings appeared to be a response to criticisms the congressman levelled against Trump for his administration’s border and immigration policies. The Democrat also warned Americans last week to “pay attention to what is going on” following congressional hearings with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Also on rt.com ‘Disgusting, rat infested mess!’ Trump triples down on criticism amid #WeAreBaltimore Twitterstorm

Trump also branded Cummings’ district a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” on Twitter on Saturday, sparking the hashtag #WeAreBaltimore with some defending Sharpton against Trump’s “racist” attack.

In response, Sharpton said it was his “moral duty” to fight for his constituents and his constitutional duty to “conduct oversight of the Executive Branch.”

Trump has also been in campaign mode on Twitter lately, frequently taking aim at four freshman Democratic congresswomen known as the “squad” who have also branded him a “racist.”

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