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2 Apr, 2020 15:52

#MeToo, but not this time? Hashtag champion actress Alyssa Milano slammed for hypocrisy on Biden assault claims

#MeToo, but not this time? Hashtag champion actress Alyssa Milano slammed for hypocrisy on Biden assault claims

#Resistance heroine Alyssa Milano is being raked over the coals for backing Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden despite sexual assault allegations, and she’s not the only ‘feminist’ making an exception from #MeToo.

Milano, one of the earliest high-profile boosters of the #MeToo hashtag, has refused to drop her support for Biden, despite former Senate aide Tara Reade going public with allegations that the former vice president sexually assaulted her while she was working on Capitol Hill over two decades ago. Instead, the liberal actress spent Wednesday retweeting demands for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders – whom she supported in 2016 – to drop out of the race, which would leave Biden, now an accused sexual predator, to run against President Donald Trump.

Also on rt.com A voice of CLARITY? Biden launches podcast but can't distract from sexual assault accusation

The #MeToo campaigner, who styles herself a crusader for women’s rights, was also one of the loudest voices demanding Congress “believe women” during the 2018 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused of rape by lawyer Christine Blasey Ford and a handful of other women. Milano cemented her street cred as a darling of the #Resistance with her strident opposition to Kavanaugh’s nomination, making her utter silence on the Biden accusation even more outrageous to supporters of the movement.

Many on social media called out her apparent hypocrisy, with some observing that such politically-expedient “morality” had become an epidemic in the #MeToo movement. The organization Times Up, founded to help sexual assault survivors tell their stories in the wake of the explosive hashtag campaign that shook the foundations of Hollywood, had refused to take Reade on as a client when she approached them last year, citing their nonprofit status and the possibility that Biden might become president as their reason for taking a pass.

A few appealed to Milano directly, asking how she would feel had someone close to her been placed in the unenviable position of having to accuse a powerful Democratic politician of assault – or just providing a reality check.

Other critics went the sarcastic route…

…mocking Milano’s too-little, too-late calls for “unity” after she was dragged for claiming Sanders had wanted to keep US airports open amid the coronavirus.

Others pointed out drily that #MeToo doesn’t come with carve-outs for political convenience.

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