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20 May, 2020 18:31

Morning Mika demands Twitter censor Trump over murder accusations, wants to speak with CEO Jack and lawyer

Morning Mika demands Twitter censor Trump over murder accusations, wants to speak with CEO Jack and lawyer

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski wants to see the manager. She is attempting to get President Donald Trump’s Twitter account banned over tweets in which he accused her husband Joe Scarborough of murder.

The president regularly uses social media to slam critics in legacy outlets, but his recent tweets about ‘Morning Joe’ co-host Scarborough were particularly harsh, as they relate to the 2001 death of an intern in the former congressman’s office.

Conspiracy theories have swirled around the death for years, although the medical examiner at the time found it to be accidental, reporting the intern passed out from an undiagnosed heart condition and then hit her head on a desk.

Also on rt.com ‘Open up a long overdue Florida Cold Case’: Trump sparks war of words with MSNBC host over intern’s death

Trump clearly doesn’t buy the story. He’s referred to the death as a “cold case” several times and implied he believes Scarborough is hiding something. He called for the matter to be reopened on Wednesday.

That put Brzezinski – who co-hosts ‘Morning Joe’ with Scarborough and is married to him – on the warpath, as she demanded to know why Trump’sTwitter account has not been blocked.

She later accused Trump of libel and said she had set up a call between herself, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and a lawyer, after several tweets insisting on a meeting.

Brzezinski’s demands to speak to Dorsey to address her complaint were widely ridiculed, with critics accusing her of being a “Karen” – the kind of suburban woman who makes a big fuss at a store and demands to speak to the manager.

“Poor Karen,” outspoken conservative and actor Adam Baldwin tweeted.

“She literally wants to speak to the manager. Lol,” another user added.

Some even took to sharing a controversial video of Scarborough joking about the death of his intern in an interview with the late Don Imus.

Trump was a popular guest on ‘Morning Joe’ during his presidential campaign, before having a public falling out with Scarborough in May 2016, which continues to this day. While Brzezinski’s motivation here could simply be to protect her husband, her efforts to “speak with the manager” have raised the uncomfortable specter of a journalist seeking to censor her competition – especially given the position she voiced in one of her anti-Trump tirades.

"He is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts," Brzezinski said of Trump in February 2017. "And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job.”

She later tried to clarify the remark by hiding behind generic criticisms of the president, but the comment still casts a shadow over her actions against Trump now.

Though Trump is often criticized for his use of Twitter, Dorsey has said in the past he has no interest in banning the president from the service because there are policy exceptions for world leaders, and blocking their tweets would “hide important information from people who should be able to see and debate.”

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