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1 Oct, 2020 08:57

WATCH: Portland BLM ‘security’ tackles man to the ground, puts him in chokehold

WATCH: Portland BLM ‘security’ tackles man to the ground, puts him in chokehold

As protesters gathered in Portland at a vigil for a black man killed by police two years ago, BLM security at the event were filmed tackling a man and placing him in a chokehold, which police are forbidden from using.

Hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters attended the event held at Southwest Fourth Avenue and Harvey Milk Street, the scene of the fatal police shooting of 27-year-old Patrick Kimmons in 2018. 

At one point, a young white man was seen moving quickly through the crowd before being unceremoniously steamrolled to the ground by ‘security’ at the event before being placed in a chokehold.

Commenters online pointed out the obvious hypocrisy of a protest movement calling to defund the police for brutality during arrests using chokeholds that were prohibited from use by police in the 1970s.

Meanwhile, Kimmons’ mother, who holds weekly protests calling on police to reopen her son’s case, gave a sexually explicit speech to the crowd, which included young children.

During her hour-long remarks, she also criticized some Black Lives Matter protesters for starting fires and perpetrating violence at a huge cost to the local community. 

“We need to ask these people to stop taking the meaning out of Black Lives Matter,” Winston said.

Patrick Kimmons allegedly shot and wounded two men during an altercation before engaging with police who fired at him as he attempted to remove a gun from his waistband.  

Kimmons’ family and their supporters claim that he was running away from police, while clearly injured from a gunshot, when officers continued firing at him. 

Some 40 people have been shot and killed by Portland police since 2003 according to local media, a disproportionately high number of whom were black. None of the officers faced any sanction.

Also on rt.com Portland mayor was happy to weaponize federal charges against Proud Boys but now is STUCK with police deputized by feds

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