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27 Oct, 2020 20:41

‘I could go to jail’: Project Veritas VIDEO alleges FRAUD by ‘ballot chaser’ in Texas who prompts woman to change vote to Democrat

‘I could go to jail’: Project Veritas VIDEO alleges FRAUD by ‘ballot chaser’ in Texas who prompts woman to change vote to Democrat

An undercover video has supposedly caught a political consultant in Texas breaking several laws by “flipping” a vote from Republican to Democrat, as well as giving voters gifts.

Describing the report as their “biggest story,” Project Veritas published a video on Tuesday taken by an undercover journalist. According to the outlet, it shows Raquel Rodriguez, a consultant for GOP House candidate Maura Garza. She is talking to an elderly woman and getting her to change the vote on her ballot from Republican Sen. John Cornyn to his Democratic challenger MJ Hegar. 

Rodriguez is seen examining the ballot and then referencing a conversation she previously had with the woman where she said she wanted to vote for only Democrats. She then walks her through changing the vote and gives her a shawl as a gift. 

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Advising the woman on her ballot and giving her a gift could be viewed as breaking multiple election laws, both federal and state. 

Talking to the journalist, who reportedly paid $500 to accompany her while she collected ballots, Rodriguez says, “She didn’t vote for who we wanted her to vote for,” and admits what she did was “against the law.”

“This is what you call flipping people,” she says.

Rodriguez also reportedly said it was her “job” to flip the vote from Cornyn to Hegar.

Talking later, she also admits taking the journalist to collect ballots with her was also illegal and she was “apprehensive” to let people know what she was doing. The undercover journalist she’s talking to jokes that “Trump was right” about mass voter fraud and she agrees with him.

“They all said he was full of s**t,” the journo says.

“Oh, hell no. He’s not. ‘Cause you’re not supposed to do that,” she replies.

In yet another conversation, she admits she told the woman to vote for Hegar and swears the journalist to secrecy so she doesn’t end up in prison.

She also describes taking dozens of ballots to different post office locations so the bundles don’t raise suspicion.

In Veritas’ report, Rodriguez is quoted as saying she develops personal relationships with senior citizens and often does their ballots with them and gives them gifts in return. 

“So, if y'all are my seniors, I’m literally picking you up. I’m going to your house, you’re doing your ballot,” she said. “I go throughout the entire city. If I have a bunch of them, what I do if I have a bunch of them, I'll take 20 [ballots] here, 30 [ballots] here, 40 [ballots] here.”

Rodriguez implicated two other ballot harvesters in Texas and said they often host parties for their voters, some of whom are ex-prisoners, where they supply alcohol and food after they fill out their ballots. 

One of the “ballot chasers” implicated by Rodriguez spoke to another journalist and denied taking part in “chasing ballots” and said it’s illegal for Rodriguez to collect ballots and be paid by a political campaign.

Beyond accusing others of ballot chasing, Rodriguez’s actions alone could be quite widespread in the swing state of Texas as she claims she will bring “at least 7,000 votes to the polls” herself. 

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It is not clear from the video whether she’s being paid by anyone to specifically flip votes from Republican to Democrat. 

The campaign for Garza that she “consults” for is a more-than-longshot challenge to Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro, who has been in office since 2013. More than three times as many people voted to elect Castro for the House of Representatives in the Democratic primary than voted in the Republican primary at all.

“Why would a Texas ‘Republican’ consultant and self proclaimed ‘ballot chaser’ be illegally pressuring voters to vote Democrat?” Veritas founder James O’Keefe tweeted, also accusing Rodriguez of being a “RINO” (Republican-in-name-only).

The woman referred to by Project Veritas as Raquel Rodriguez has not publicly commented on the content of the video.

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