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21 Dec, 2020 17:51

Trump & supporters set off election debate by pointing out Biden only won ‘16%’ of counties in US

Trump & supporters set off election debate by pointing out Biden only won ‘16%’ of counties in US

Debate over the Electoral College vs. the popular vote in the US has once again been ignited thanks to a viral map showing Joe Biden carried the election by winning an incredibly small portion of counties compared to Donald Trump.

“Biden supporters seem to be really losing their minds at how angry they get when you tell them that Biden ‘won’ only 16% of the counties,” pundit Kevin McCullough tweeted, along with a red vs. blue election results map that has spread across social media like wildfire.

“They get even angry about that, than the fact that they are all supporting a cheater—who’s ok with the cheating,” McCullough added. 

The tweet was shared by President Trump, and also flagged by Twitter as “disputed” election fraud information. It has also spurred a wave of debate, as well as further allegations of voter fraud on Biden’s part, something that has yet to be proven in court but continues to be alleged by the president and his legal team.

A separate map shared by more liberal social media users breaks down areas Biden won by population, giving a more accurate reason for how the Democrat could have won a record number of votes without finding support in more areas.

“It’s almost as if—and try to follow along here, as it gets a little complex—some counties have more people, and more votes, than others,” Yahoo News reporter Alexander Nazaryan tweeted

Supporters of the president, however, have still expressed shock over the results map and said Trump won more than 80 percent of the country.

“Trump won 84% of America, Biden ‘won’ 16%,” conservative pundit Arch Kennedy tweeted.

“Barack Obama: —69,000,000 votes —873 counties. Donald Trump: —75,000,000 votes —2,497 counties. Joe Biden: —81,000,000 votes —477 counties...And we’re not allowed to question his ‘victory,’” Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk tweeted. 

Both Biden and Trump set records based on their vote counts in the 2020 election, though Biden earned approximately six million more and won the Electoral College, which affords votes to states to even out the weight various states have in the election since population varies greatly, by nearly 70 votes.

At this time, tallies based on the election show Biden winning less than 500 counties - which would represent about 16 percent of all US counties. By comparison, Trump won thousands of them, though many had less dense populations and, therefore, less influence on the election. 

Also on rt.com Trump campaign take election battle to Supreme Court, seeking Pennsylvania rulings to be overturned

Less than 500 counties would give Biden an odd pair of records, the combination of which has fueled speculation about his victory. The Democrat earned the most votes of any presidential candidate in history, but those votes would represent a record low number of counties. The previous record was held by former President Barack Obama in 2012, when he won only 689 counties, equal to 22 percent of territories.

The Electoral College has certified Biden’s victory, though Trump has refused to concede the election and continues to pursue legal avenues to overturn the results from multiple swing states where he says fraud is behind Biden’s vote count.

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