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1 Jul, 2009 09:30

Obama’s rating hits lowest level in the US

A little over a third of Americans strongly disapprove of President Barack Obama's policies, according to one of the most prominent public opinion polls.

It's Obama's lowest approval rating since he took office.

A new Gallup poll says Obama’s overall approval rating is 58% which represents a decline from his ratings when he first took office back in January. On top of that, the Rasmussen Reports Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 31% of Americans strongly agree with the way that Barack Obama is handling the issues. But 33% strongly disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his presidency.

It looks like that from now on the Obama administration is going to be watching these polls’ results very closely.

There are a lot of issues in terms of domestic policy and foreign policy that are causing this poll slide. But there is one issue that sticks out – the economy. US officials, particularly the Republicans are looking at rising unemployment rates, overspending and increasing debt. They tend to blame Barack Obama more and more for not being able to handle this financial crisis. Some even say that he is making it worse, so the economy is really reflected in those sliding numbers.

As for foreign policy, America’s major concern is national security. Ever since he took office in January 2009, Barack Obama has made some controversial decisions, whether it was closing the Guantanamo Bay prison or not permitting the publication of photos of the detainees being abused. This inspired a strong opinion among those Americans that cannot forget about the issues going on in the world, like the protests in Iran or the North Korean nuclear test. These people are closely following how Obama is going to react to this: will it be an action or just rhetoric?

So the question of where the numbers of future polls will go is open.
